The Deadly Satellite was released in 1984 by Kid Stuff Records & Tapes under license from Hasbro. It was written, produced and performed by Mark Volman and Howard Kaylan with John Hoier. All material was published by Gabrielle Amanda Music, Inc. (BMI). It is not clear who illustrated the book.
The book included a two-sided record that you played back while reading the book – so you could SEE the pictures, HEAR the story, and READ the book! Hit play on the audio file below, then click through the image gallery bellow to enjoy this G.I. Joe classic as it was intended! |
Click the images below to view them full screen, then use your arrow keys to move from page to page. (more pages coming soon!)
Kid Stuff Records & Tapes also released The Challenge of the Clones and The Deadly Satellite on one "Tape-Me-Along" Cassette.
This cassette was sold without the books, and the audio was edited to remove any references to the story books.
This cassette was sold without the books, and the audio was edited to remove any references to the story books.