1983 Catalog image gallery
Roll over the images below to find out more, or click the images to enlarge them.
1983 Major Bludd offer (direct mail postcard)
Scans courtesy of Tim Dz.
1983 in-store tear-off Posters and MANTA offers (two sided prints)
Roll over the images below to find out more, or click the images to enlarge them.
1983 MANTA and Duke offers (one sided print)
1983 Posters and Head and Wrist Bands offers (one sided prints)
Roll over the images below to find out more, or click the images to enlarge them. Scans courtesy of Tim Dz.
1983 "Coleco Ride-Ons" insert
1983 "Coleco Ride-Ons" unfolded front
1983 "Coleco Ride-Ons" unfolded front
1983 "Coleco Ride-Ons" image gallery
Roll over the images below to find out more, or click the images to enlarge them.