1993 Helicopter Pilots: Interrogator v2 and Major Altitude v2 (mail order)
Both Helicopter Pilots were pure repaints. No new parts were used.
Includes: knife, figure stand
Interrogator v2 was a pure repaint of the 1991 v1 original.
Includes: submachine gun, helmet, figure stand
Major Altitude v2 was a pure repaint of the 1991 v1 original.
Hasbro offered more mail order product in 1993 than any other year during the 1982-1994 A Real American Hero (ARAH) run.
The 1993 Arctic Commandos (Dee-Jay v2, Snow Serpent v3, Stalker v4, and Sub-Zero v2), Helicopter Pilots (Interrogator v2 and Major Altitude v2), International Action Force (Big Bear v2, Big Ben v2, Budo v2, Spirit v4), and Rapid Deployment Force (Fast Draw v1, Repeater v2, and Shockwave v2) sets featured product photography instead of original paintings. The 1993 Star Brigade (Astro Viper v2, Countdown v2, Ozone v2 and v3, Payload v3, Roadblock v6, and T.A.R.G.A.T. v2) file cards featured product photography as well. This was a first for the ARAH run, and would be repeated in 1994 on the Star Brigade Power Fighter file cards (Gears v1 and Techno-Viper v2) the Original Action Team Commemorative Collection boxed set.