1985 Starduster: Jet Pack Trooper (mail order)
Includes: M79 grenade launcher, helmet, visor (jet pack, Pocket Patrol Pack)
Three variations of Starduster version 1 were released from 1985-1991. These are commonly referred to as v1a-v1c. All three versions use the head sculpt previously shared by Flash, Hawk, Short-Fuze and Steeler. Starduster v1a also re-uses these parts: 1984 Recondo’s torso and waist, 1984 Roadblock’s legs and 1985 Flint’s arms. All three versions of Starduster came with an M79 silver grenade launcher (recolored from 1983 Gung-Ho’s black grenade launcher), a light blue helmet with a black star painted on top and a black visor. Starduster v1a came with a green jetpack (previously released from 1982-83 as the JUMP Jet Pack).
All three versions use the head sculpt previously shared by Flash, Hawk, Short-Fuze and Steeler. Starduster v1b also re-uses these parts: 1984 Duke’s torso, 1988 Roadblock’s legs, 1984 Recondo’s waist and 1985 Flint’s arms. All three versions of Starduster came with a silver M79 grenade launcher (recolored from 1983 Gung-Ho’s black grenade launcher), a light blue helmet with a black star painted on top and a black visor. Starduster v1b came with a green jetpack (previously released from 1982-83 as the JUMP Jet Pack). This version of Starduster came with a Pocket Patrol Pack.
All three versions use the head sculpt previously shared by Flash, Hawk, Short-Fuze and Steeler. Starduster v1c also re-uses these parts: 1984 Duke’s torso, 1984 Roadblock’s legs, 1986 Iceberg’s waist and 1985 Flint’s arms. All three versions of Starduster came with a silver M79 grenade launcher (recolored from 1983 Gung-Ho’s black grenade launcher), a light blue helmet with a black star painted on top and a black visor. This version of Starduster came with a Pocket Patrol Pack. Starduster v1a and v1c figures courtesy of Dan Carroll. Check out his eBay store for tons of vintage Joes!
Roll over the images below for more details, or click them to view full screen.
1985 G.I.Joe Action Stars cereal wave one
Action Stars Cereal boxes were released in two waves. The first wave featured three different boxes starring Duke, Gung-Ho, and Shipwreck. As can be seen on the box below, the back of each box featured a top-secret mission briefing (this one is assigned to you and Duke!), a cut and fold mission element (Cobra radio relay station seen here), and a personalized camouflage t-shirt offer. These boxes have a very "Live the Adventure" feel!
1985 “Get Into Action” wave one coupon (G.I.Joe Action Stars Cereal insert)
Starduster made his debut on the 1985 G.I.Joe Action Stars cereal coupon (seen below) which was inserted in wave one boxes. This offer showed the actual toy flying in front of an explosion background and teased his upcoming availability with: "Keep on the lookout for new G.I. JOE figures like Starduster, G.I. JOE jetpack trooper.... only through offers on specially marked boxes of G.I. JOE Action Stars cereal." The wave one Duke box seen above can be seen on this offer. Roll over the images below to find out more, or click the images to enlarge them.
1985 G.I.Joe Action Stars cereal television commercial
The G.I.Joe Action Stars television commercial combined live-action video and animation. This commercial began airing in 1985. This timing can be verified by reviewing this series of commercials broadcast on October 19, 1985, or this 30 minute block of Saturday Morning Commercials broadcast near Christmas of 1985. The wave one Duke box seen above can be seen at the end of this commercial. Starduster's appearance at the end of this commercial is the only time he ever appeared in animated form. He was never featured in the animated television series or feature film. It is worth noting that although Starduster was introduced in the offer above and shown in the TV commercial below, he was not yet available to purchase. The offer to purchase Starduster would come with the wave two boxes.
1985 G.I.Joe Action Stars cereal wave two
The second wave of Action Stars cereal boxes featured three new boxes starring Flint, Quick Kick, and Starduster. As can be seen on the box below, the back of each box again featured a top-secret mission briefing (this one is assigned to you and Starduster!), but the cut and fold mission element and t-shirt offer were replaced by the Starduster offer (copyright 1985). The "Camo action t-shirt offer!" from the front of the wave one boxes was replaced by two promotions: "Free inside! A G.I.Joe Mini-Comic" "Plus! Starduster action figure offer! See back panel!" To see all six boxes, visit the 1985 Action Stars Cereal page. Scan below courtesy of Page and Greg Wagner.
1985 G.I.Joe Action Stars cereal mini-comics
Hasbro and Marvel teamed up to make three mini-comics featuring Starduster. These were inserted in select wave two boxes of G.I.Joe Action Stars cereal. These comic books are dated 1985, and the G.I.Joe Mobile Strike Force offer on the back of each issue expired 1/31/87. So, we can assume that these offers were available at least as early as 1985 and as late as early 1987.
Ralston Purina Company Mailer Box
Starduster v1a was shipped in a mailer box by Ralston Purina Company. Click the images below to enlarge them.
Mailer box photos courtesy of Everett Keen.
Life after Action Stars
The end date for Action Stars cereal is tricky to nail down. A quick search of Action Stars related blog entries and cereal wikis finds end dates ranging from 1986 to 1990. We believe Action Stars cereal was discontinued by 1987 at the latest. Why? Starduster was created by Hasbro for Ralston to be an Action Stars mascot of sorts. He was featured in the Action Stars TV commercial and in exclusive mini-comics. Most importantly, his exclusive action figure was marketed as "not available anywhere else." Hasbro Direct began selling this Starduster figure in 1987 with the "Maneuvers Manual" figure insert offer, so we know that Hasbro's exclusive Starduster arrangement with Ralston ended by 1987, and we know a third "post-Starduster" wave of Action Stars boxes never happened. This was more than likely due to the discontinuation of Action Stars cereal by 1987.
1987-1991 Hasbro Direct mail order offers
Hasbro Direct offered the Starduster action figure in several mail order offers from 1987-1991, starting with the 1987 "Maneuvers Manual" offer and ending with the 1990 "The Incredible Shrinking Joes!” offer, which expired June 30, 1991. Though the 1993 "Fangs of Doom” offer showed Starduster, he was not included with the free [with $20 purchase] Pocket Patrol. Roll over the images below to find out more, or click the images to enlarge them.
Custom carded Starduster
Starduster was never sold carded in stores. The card seen above is a custom piece of fan art created by a friend of mine.
He sells under the name evolving_door_1975 on eBay. You won't be disappointed by his custom cards. Tell 'em 3DJoes sent you!
He sells under the name evolving_door_1975 on eBay. You won't be disappointed by his custom cards. Tell 'em 3DJoes sent you!