Financial support:
If you arrived here from PayPal, then thank you for your payment! Your transaction has been completed, and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. You may log into your account at to view details of this transaction. Your support helps me keep spinning ad free!
If you didn't come here from PayPal, and if you haven't yet purchased one of my books or posters, then please check them out! Proceeds help pay the $80/month subscription fee for the 3D photography used on this site.
If you didn't come here from PayPal, and if you haven't yet purchased one of my books or posters, then please check them out! Proceeds help pay the $80/month subscription fee for the 3D photography used on this site.
Finally, a BIG thank you to my friend Pete King, whose generous donations continue to fuel this site. Pete’s a great guy, so say hello to him on twitter. If you'd like to donate to 3DJoes, please use the button to the right. All donations go to help keep 3DJoes spinning ad free!
Moral support:
Thank you to all of my friends and family that tolerate and even encourage my crazy hobby. Needless to say, 3DJoes is a huge commitment, and you all have been completely supportive of the endeavor. Also, thank you to each of you that have reached out to me on Facebook or Twitter to vocalize your support and just talk Joes. You guys keep the fuel in my tank that keeps me going!
Tech support:
Thank you to the guys at Arqball for developing the awesome Arqspin app that I use to make the 3D photos. And thanks for making me their first featured Spinner!
I could not have covered all of the vehicles I have without the generous support of The Yo Joe Outlet! They have selflessly mailed me box after box to help me complete the mission of documenting EVERY 1982-1984 A Real American Hero vehicle. Kris has even become a good friend. If you are in the market for vintage Joes, vehicles and accessories, please visit them on eBay and let them know 3DJoes sent you!
A big thank you to Tim Dz. He loaned me some hard to find 1993-1994 drivers, he gave me a few carded figure photos (including all six Sky Patrol figures), he scanned the 1987 BF2000 vehicle blueprints, he scanned dozens of 1988 blueprints, and he gave me the last five missing driver file cards. Then he mailed me a box full of blueprints and offers! This guy has been an amazing contributor!
Thanks to Justin Marcoux, we have a much more robust statue section! He contributed seven statues to the 3DJoes Palisades page as well as the Diamond Snake Eyes Icons bust. Give him a shout over on twitter, he loves to talk Joes!
Thank you to Matthew Buck, who hunted down several elusive Joes and Cobras for me while I manned the booth at Joe Con. He also lent me his carded Cyber Viper to photograph. Be sure to check out his paintings.
Thank you to Matthew (shellshock_inc on eBay), who shared photos of his Night Force, Tiger Force, Python Patrol and Sonic Fighter carded figures. He also sold me some hard to find later carded figures for a fair price.
Thank you to Page and Greg Wagner. They hooked me up with a bunch of driver's vehicle box photos, like W.O.R.M.S., Windmill's, Major Storm's, Payload's, Long Range's, and Frostbite's. They also scanned and Photoshopped the Find Your Fate series of books and contributed those. Check out their eBay store for tons of vintage Joes!
Thank you to Matthew Matson. He gave me several scans for the AWESOME 1986 "Live the Adventure: Invade Cobra Island" catalog, the 1987 Battle Ribbons insert, the 1988 Micro Figures insert and the 1990 Get Tough catalog.
Thank you to Scott Kruger, aka Lantern Lad from OG13! He has provided several missing file cards and loaned me the impossible to find 1994 Joe Con exclusive Fighter Pilot. Shortly after I bought my own... it is a great figure :-)
Thanks to Captain Chunk of OG13 and Spiderpumpkin of the and forums! They provided 10 of the missing driver file cards from 1988-1990. Check out the pages for Armadillo, Decimator, Major Storm, Nullifier, Secto-Viper, Star-Viper, Track Viper, Updraft, Wild Boar and Windchill to see their contributions.
Thank you to the "Worlds Largest Collector of GiJoe ARAH," Chris Cardillo. He donated dozens of photos to 3DJoes! Check out the new and/or much improved photos on these pages: 1982 MMS and Hawk, 1982 MOBAT and Steeler, 1982 9 back Snake Eyes, 1985 U.S.S. Flagg and Keel-Haul, 1986 Night Raven and Strato-Viper, 1987 BF 2000 Dominator, Sky Sweeper, and Vector, 1988 Hit & Run Target exclusive, 1988 Secto-Viper BUGG, 1988 Armadillo Rolling Thunder, 1990 Decimator Hammerhead, 1992 Air Commandos Spirit. Please check him out on eBay, or give him a shout on twitter.
A big thank you to Tim Dz. He loaned me some hard to find 1993-1994 drivers, he gave me a few carded figure photos (including all six Sky Patrol figures), he scanned the 1987 BF2000 vehicle blueprints, he scanned dozens of 1988 blueprints, and he gave me the last five missing driver file cards. Then he mailed me a box full of blueprints and offers! This guy has been an amazing contributor!
Thanks to Justin Marcoux, we have a much more robust statue section! He contributed seven statues to the 3DJoes Palisades page as well as the Diamond Snake Eyes Icons bust. Give him a shout over on twitter, he loves to talk Joes!
Thank you to Matthew Buck, who hunted down several elusive Joes and Cobras for me while I manned the booth at Joe Con. He also lent me his carded Cyber Viper to photograph. Be sure to check out his paintings.
Thank you to Matthew (shellshock_inc on eBay), who shared photos of his Night Force, Tiger Force, Python Patrol and Sonic Fighter carded figures. He also sold me some hard to find later carded figures for a fair price.
Thank you to Page and Greg Wagner. They hooked me up with a bunch of driver's vehicle box photos, like W.O.R.M.S., Windmill's, Major Storm's, Payload's, Long Range's, and Frostbite's. They also scanned and Photoshopped the Find Your Fate series of books and contributed those. Check out their eBay store for tons of vintage Joes!
Thank you to Matthew Matson. He gave me several scans for the AWESOME 1986 "Live the Adventure: Invade Cobra Island" catalog, the 1987 Battle Ribbons insert, the 1988 Micro Figures insert and the 1990 Get Tough catalog.
Thank you to Scott Kruger, aka Lantern Lad from OG13! He has provided several missing file cards and loaned me the impossible to find 1994 Joe Con exclusive Fighter Pilot. Shortly after I bought my own... it is a great figure :-)
Thanks to Captain Chunk of OG13 and Spiderpumpkin of the and forums! They provided 10 of the missing driver file cards from 1988-1990. Check out the pages for Armadillo, Decimator, Major Storm, Nullifier, Secto-Viper, Star-Viper, Track Viper, Updraft, Wild Boar and Windchill to see their contributions.
Thank you to the "Worlds Largest Collector of GiJoe ARAH," Chris Cardillo. He donated dozens of photos to 3DJoes! Check out the new and/or much improved photos on these pages: 1982 MMS and Hawk, 1982 MOBAT and Steeler, 1982 9 back Snake Eyes, 1985 U.S.S. Flagg and Keel-Haul, 1986 Night Raven and Strato-Viper, 1987 BF 2000 Dominator, Sky Sweeper, and Vector, 1988 Hit & Run Target exclusive, 1988 Secto-Viper BUGG, 1988 Armadillo Rolling Thunder, 1990 Decimator Hammerhead, 1992 Air Commandos Spirit. Please check him out on eBay, or give him a shout on twitter.
Hard labor:
Thank you to my buddy Joe (the Toy Palace), who has given up several Sundays to help build the site. He also sold me a ton of 1988-1994 carded Joes at a great price and loaned me a bunch of MISB 1993 mail order figures to document on
Thank you to my buddy John (G.I. John on Facebook) who helped document 1991. John and his brother Brandon (of Fanboys Forever) worked to document the 1992 figures. Finally, John spent countless hours documenting the1993 figures. A HUGE thank you, John!
Public relations:
Thank you to Flag Points (Rob, Don and Dave), who broke the 3DJoes story on their podcast and are the most prolific tweeters I know!
Thank you to What's on Joe Mind. Gary, Chuck, Mike, and Justin had me on to talk about how and why I make 3DJoes. We also discussed Joe Con 2013, my "3DJoes of the 80s" posters, the upcoming "3DJoes of the 90s" poster, and the upcoming "The Art of 3DJoes" coffee table book.
Thanks to Rob Buzan, the curator of the wonderful "Joe A Day" blog. We will eventually cross-pollinate all of our pages like this one.
Thanks to my HissTank Joe Bros for always supporting 3DJoes and promoting the goings on at 3DJoes over on their home page. Their support is invaluable and appreciated.
Thanks to my OG 13 brethren for always supporting 3DJoes, whether it's setting me up with an OG13 home base, or promoting the goings on at 3DJoes over on their home page. Their support is invaluable and appreciated.
Thanks to my friend Mike at New Wave Traders! He's a constant supporter of 3DJoes, always helping to get the word out when new content is posted to 3DJoes. Check out his store for some great prices on vintage Joes!
Thank you to Generals Joes, Joe Battle Lines, The Terror Drome, and all of the GI Joe news sites that have covered 3DJoes.
Thank you to Generals Joes, Joe Battle Lines, The Terror Drome, and all of the GI Joe news sites that have covered 3DJoes.
Sales and marketing:
Thank you to Outer Rim Collectibles for supporting the site by selling 3DJoes posters at shows across the country, and for letting me borrow several carded figures to document on the site.
A big thank you goes out to Larry at Crowmag Toys for supporting 3DJoes and getting the word out to MTV. Check out the article here. He was the first dealer to buy posters from me in bulk. I've bought countless Joes from Larry, so check him out if you're looking for carded or loose/complete vintage Joes.