1992 Headquarters
The 1992 G.I.Joe Headquarters features 24 action play features, including: 8 electronic sounds, 4 spring action missile launchers, 3 spring action targets, electronic searchlight, deployable perimeter/storage tray, jail, opening door/ramp, fuel hose, tow hook/static line, working elevator and 2 poseable laser guns!
NOTE: Although the box art showed a plethora of Joes manning the Headquarters, and they're pictured above, no figures were included.
The 1992 G.I.Joe Headquarters is over 30" wide and can fit over 50 figures! When playtime is over it folds up for more convenient storage.
Detailed image gallery coming soon!
Instructions thumbnail images are below. Click the thumbnails to enlarge them.
The G.I.Joe Headquarters was advertised two years in a row. The 1992 commercial is shown above and the 1993 commercial is shown below.
A special thank you to Chad Hucal and Jeff Jones for additional image editing and to Ben Thomas for crafting captions.