1986 Trading Card Stickers (Milton Bradley)
Hasbro bought Milton Bradley in 1984, ending 124 years of family ownership. In 1985 Hasbro and Milton Bradley created the Commando Attack Board Game. In 1986 they created the Action Cards trading card set featuring painted package art from G.I.Joe: A Real American Hero figures, vehicles, playsets and accessories and stills from the G.I.Joe: A Real American Hero cartoon.
There are 192 cards and 12 stickers total. Eight cards and one sticker were included in each pack. Evidence has been shown that each pack had the exact same assortment, so if you bought two packs with the same card visible through the blister, you can expect the same card and sticker assortment in those two packs. Although these cards are marked as Series One, Series Two was never released in the US. All 12 stickers featured all new artwork. This art was re-purposed for the G.I.Joe Action Figure Body Transfer pack in promo that was featured on specially marked figures sold in late 1986, like the one seen here. Click on the strickers below to view them full screen. |
The stickers shown here are courtesy of Tim Dzieciatkowski. Head over to the 1986 Trading Cards (Milton Bradley) page to see more!