1984 MANTA: Marine Assault Nautical Transport: Air-Driven (mail order)
The MANTA disassembles and fits into a backpack box for land transport.
Roll over the images below to find out more, or click the images to enlarge them. Photos courtesy of Chad Hucal.
NOTE: Although the offer art showed Stalker manning the MANTA, and he's pictured above, Stalker did NOT come with the MANTA.
I have three mail order sheets for the MANTA. The first is from early 1984 and the offer expired March 31, 1984 (above).
I have three mail order sheets for the MANTA. The second is from mid-1984 and the offer expired September 30, 1984 (above).
I have three mail order sheets for the MANTA. The third is from late-1984 and the offer expired January 31, 1985 (above).
The MANTA was also available through several catalogs, three of which are shown below.
Above is a sealed (MISB) MANTA from the 3rd Annual G.I. Joe Convention back in 1992. This MANTA was a convention exclusive.