1990 Destro's Dominator (Iron Grenadiers)
Destro's Dominator can outmaneuver and outgun G.I.Joe's ground forces, then convert to an attack helicopter and outfly G.I.Joe's most sophisticated aircraft. Tank mode can be seen below to the left, helicopter mode is below to the right.
NOTE: Although the box art showed Metal-Head and Undertow, and they're pictured above, no figures were included.
The Dominator features several moving and removable parts, and the sculpt is nicely detailed.
Roll over the images below to find out more, or click the images to enlarge them.
Roll over the images below to find out more, or click the images to enlarge them.
Roll over the images below to find out more, or click the images to enlarge them. Photos courtesy of Chad Hucal.
A special thank you to Chad Hucal, Pablo Ocampo and Henry F. Murray for photo editing and Ben Thomas for crafting captions.
Thanks to EndeavourMorse for pointing us to this commercial on YouTube!